- Spot and contacts -
Definition of contact: more than just a spot

A very special sighting

In all these years' ufologist , Like many other sciences (if one can define), has coined a terminology very precise. For example, was introduced on American neologism contactee (translated into Italian as contact ) To denote a person who has had a UFO sighting, but with several differences compared to the simple spot . First of all contacts are always people who claim to be in contact with intelligent entity to drive unidentified flying objects, but we see in detail the difference all'avvistatore.

  • Experience dell'avvistatore is totally random and without notice, that the contact is usually caused by a telepathic message (a point or mental) that leads to go on the site chosen.
  • Sighting describes the extra-terrestrial beings as monstrous humanoids and cautious or aggressive intentions, the contact as it speaks of everything Similar to us , Beautiful and with the best intentions.
  • The spot has a very bad memory of the experience, they have shocked and frightened, the contact defines its experience as wonderful , Exciting and indescribable.
  • The spot does not receive any communication, while the contact is often responsible for bringing to humanity apocalyptic warning messages , Frequently tilt environmentalist.
  • The spot has so often to demonstrate his testimony also to the restoration or other tangible evidence of various kinds, usually no contactee.
  • Dell'avvistatore The story, incredible as it is consistent and unchanged over time, the contacts, perhaps initially consequential, becomes more and more complex, rich in detail and inconsistent .
  • The spot does not like to talk of such a situation, often afraid of being seen as a neutral, unlike the contact often tells of his experience, he writes books , Takes Conferences , Making a monetary profit.

These conferences often become real preachings Is often contact flows into cultismo , Tend to create a cult with a settaristico have a mythology and rituals related to spiritualism syncretism matrix Eastern and confused Christian -Rich components esoteric-occultistiche . The typical example of contact is George Adamski .

Related Images

 Photograph of George Adamski, a typical example of contacts


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