- The types of aircraft UFO -
Classification of types of flying discs

Spherical, Disc, fusiform, light and not

Descriptions, that in all these years have been collected about unidentified flying objects, are provided in detail under the most varied aspects. The first division we can do it according to their shape:

Here's another distinction:

  • lighting equipment , Which seem a light source or fly in the midst of a mass of ionized air;
  • items that not emit light .

These are more rare and therefore their sighting is an event that is striking because it was sighted during the day in good visual conditions and relatively close to the viewer.
Talking instead of their color , We can say that, in most cases, when driving at night is always bright ( 45% white or light gray , 35% red or orange ).
To go even more in particular we can devote our attention to trajectory UF: 50% trajectory irregular and 40% from a state of peace achieved impressive speed in one direction. About the speed, the Orly airport in 1956 has recorded a speed of 4,000 Km / h during the passage of a UFO in that area, in 1949 in White Sands (Texas) registered the speed was 43'200 Km / h . Naturally, the maximum speed attainable by these aircraft is unknown to us.
Finally landings: the areas "inside" are generally isolated places or Deserts In one case out of two were found materials remains and concrete of landings.

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