- Magnetic propulsion -
Assumptions on the methods of UFO propulsion

UFOs could move forces to antigravitazionali

One of the few things that have been repeatedly detected after the landing of an airplane is the UFO presence of a magnetic field more or less intense, we see a list of effects that suggest the presence of a magnetic field:

  1. Overheating of the land The soil temperature increases further with the magnetic flux density;
  2. Interruption of current Electrical ;
  3. Disorder radio communications ;
  4. Noise control equipment on flights in the area;
  5. Burns and calcination on the ground;
  6. Vegetation around as caramel ";
  7. No new flora for several months.

To produce such serious consequences, of course, the magnetic field generated from the steering wheel must not be identified very strong According to calculations for interrupting the circuit of a battery is needed 2 million Gauss (10 times the maximum amount ever produced by man), a test of this thesis to the Antarctic pole was placed magnetic wave detector extraordinary reports signaled that, even if the measurement should be carried on board and not to the same distance even more miles. According to surveys carried out on large disks (or "cigars") the potential energy in magnetic form, if it were released in the form of heat would be far superior to that of a H bomb (something like Megaton dozen more).
These arguments have led to hypothesize a method by which you can UFOs refresh each other of magnetic energy, simply by placing the airplane "Reload" at the center and around to be recharged. This could seem a mere inference is supported by several sightings real: the 17 October 1952 a great "cigar" and several flying discs were spotted at Orlon , France They, according to witnesses appeared to be linked by an invisible force During the sighting several filaments Similar to the canvas of a spider were seen falling, but reaching the ground is sublimation (sublimation is the transition from solid to gas) without a trace. This rain of filamentary debris was seen on several other occasions.
Further studies led to believe that this magnetic field is not static but intermittent And to generate movement, having to be processed by electro-magnetic energy to kinetic (ie, movement), there must be a dispersion energy in the form of heat: this therefore explain the burns subsequent landing of the aircraft.
These magnetic fields seem to solve the problems that we humans have in creating a Tokamak type reactor (which enables results narcotics), or the inability to create a magnetic field and a source of sufficient heat, so it was thought that the bombs were flying non-land based on their engines like a propeller.

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