- UFOs are not bright circular -
UFO Classification

Adamski-type disks

I discs of bright circular they are called in jargon ufologist " Disk type Adamski "(If not very reliable but the description of which was followed by several other similar sightings). They have a shape similar to that of a bell very flattened Not emit any light and the bottom is formed by three hemispheres that could serve as support for the landing.
The object appears to a metallic material and is divided into two parts:

  • base form hemispherical dominated by a dome central feature of this type of aircraft;
  • cannot a vertical-shaped dome with porthole above which sometimes has been a noted ring structure .

The unit flies without emitting any sound and can remain suspended in mid - totally immobile oscillating continuously, probably caused by movement of the two counter balancing forces that keep the UFO in flight. The last thing you will notice is its continuous spin on itself at a reduced speed.

Related Images

 Playing a disc type Adamski


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