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Cooking Recipe Ciambella chestnut

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3 cups flour 237ml of chestnuts, half cup sugar, 1 packet of yeast cake, 1 pinch of salt, 1 cup milk, 3 eggs and 3 / 4 cup of oil.

Conduct recipe

Heat the oven to 175 degrees and in a bowl, sift flour with baking chestnuts, add sugar, salt and mix. In another bowl pour in the meantime, the milk, eggs and oil and beat well to amalgamate with one another. Add the ingredients "dry" all at once and stir with a whisk to unite them for good: You do not need to work on the compound, simply "mix" for good. Pour into a butter and floured baking tray, then bake for about 45-50 minutes. Ing and cool on a grill.

Proposal by: radiosity


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<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,300,300,,,9,,1,1,1,)) %>

<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,120,90,,,8,,1,1,1,)) %>  
Cooking Recipe

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