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Cooking Recipe Served with marsala

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Ingredients (per 4 person)
4 slices of breast of veal, flour, oil, butter, salt, a clove of garlic and Marsala.

Conduct recipe

Skip the slices in a little flour, fry in a large frying pan a little bit of olive oil, a clove of garlic and a bit of butter. Now put the sliced flour, brown holes on a high flame. Room and put a pinch of pepper. Now add the Marsala and make it evaporate. Servants with the sauce cooking.

Proposal by: Giulia


<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,300,300,,,9,,1,1,1,)) %>

<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,300,300,,,9,,1,1,1,)) %>

<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,120,90,,,8,,1,1,1,)) %>  
Cooking Recipe

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