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Cooking Recipe Cake rovesciata all'ananas

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150g sugar (for caramel), 1 tin of pineapple in water, 300g flour, 200g sugar, 100g butter, 3 eggs, 1 packet yeast, cherries, juice storage dell'ananas, 1 cup and 1 / 2 juice d 'pineapple.

Conduct recipe

First you prepare the caramel. Put sugar in pan and cook the cake a few minutes moderate heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until you get a golden-brown caramel, being careful not to burn. Before the caramel harden paint on the bottom of the pan and the edges. When hardened brush with butter, then lie down on the slices of pineapple in the center of each of them a candied cherry.
Prepare the dough milk shake the ingredients in the following order: first the butter and sugar, then egg yolks, and flour sifted with baking powder, interspersed with a spoonful of juice jar of pineapple, and egg-mounted snow. (if necessary add the pineapple juice). Pour the batter into the pan over the slices of pineapple and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Oven and immediately turn onto a plate, and while still hot, wet with the juice of pineapple thoroughly. Serve very cold, better if he rested half a day so it softens the caramel and drenched good.

Proposal by: franchi91


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Cooking Recipe

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